First, there were the Monsters of Web Design — the gnarly problems that can destroy even the most well-intentioned digital city. They’ve ravaged hopes and dreams and even challenged sanity. It’s time to fight back!
But seriously, the Web doesn’t have to be scary. We can win this battle. Because for every huge, city-destroying monster, there is a team of heroes ready to fight back.
We call them the Digital Defenders.
a Digital Defender?
Digital Defenders are all around us. In fact, if you spend your days trying to right digital wrongs and plan for a better digital future YOU are a Digital Defender. You don’t need a cape, you just need to give a damn. It’s unsung heroes just like you who make websites everywhere more usable, accessible, sustainable, and effective.
But, of course we had to take it one step further. And we weren’t sure how you’d feel about wearing a cape. So we’ve created a team of Digital Defenders prepared to fight any digital monster.
Download the Coloring Book!
The Monsters of Web Design and the Digital Defenders face off in this comic coloring adventure.

Who are WE?
By now, you’re probably wondering just who are we and what’s up with all the monsters and heroes? Well, we are NewCity, a full service digital agency specializing in website redesigns. We’ve been doing this for more than 20 years now, so believe it when we say we’ve seen all kinds of monsters of web design. But we’ve also been privileged to work hand-in-hand with many outstanding men and women who work diligently to stop these monsters and make the web a better place. They are the real digital defenders.
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